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Nice cozy adventure! I appreciate the atmosphere it delivers through the music and visual style. It felt rewarding to explore the depths of the forests.

Apart from some encountered collision bugs. I think the game needs just a bit more polish to convey even deeper emotions:

  • Play a sound when the player walks.
  • Reduce the blur in front of the player slightly, as it makes looking at faraway objects rather straining for the eyes.
  • Add more shades of color to the trees.
  • Visually add some birds, as the player can hear them at all times but cannot see them. This could also be used to guide the player to some locations.

All in all, I think it's a very nice project you did. Great job and don't give up! Can't wait to see what your team will cook next!


I just love the chillness of this game. From the way you control the boat to the music vibes, everything works together to achieve that feeling of "beeing there". I'd love to see what comes up next!